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Programming in C++







1. Casting

2. Class

3. Converting

4. Dependencies between .cpp and .hpp files

5. GNU/Linux related

6. Operator

7. Plain Pointer

8. Powerset

9. Smart Pointer

10. Statements

11. String

12. Template

13. Tricks

14. Vector

1. Casting

1.1. Explicit constructor

If a constructor is declared as explicit, no any hidden conversion is possible.

  explicit MyConstructor(String s);

  MyConstructor("hello");  // this is allowed

  MyConstructor("c");      // this is allowed

  MyConstructor('c');      // this is forbidden (int -> string not allowed)

2. Class

2.1. Access

The members and methods are accessible from external:


The members and methods are accessible ONLY from the owner class:


The members and methods are accessible from the owner class and the derived classes:


2.2. Declaring a method as const

When a method is declared as const, it can't modify the values of the class members.

  class MyClass


    int a;

    int myMethod() const


      return a;    // this is allowed

      return a++;  // this is forbidden



2.3. Declaring a variable or a parameter as const

When a variable or a parameter is declared as const, it can't be mofiefied.

  void myMethod(const int a)


    cout << a;    // this is allowed

    cout << a++;  // this is forbidden


2.4. Deriving a class

  Class Base



      void myMethod() const = 0;


  Class MyClass : public Base



      void myMethod() const





In this case, MyClass is derived from Base.

2.5. Inline

Creating a method as


doesn't create a subroutine but puts the code in each points where there is a call to such methods.

2.6. Passing parameters to a method


A parameter should be declared as "const" only when it is a pointer or a reference.

A parameter should be declared as reference only if it size is bigger than 4 byte (call by reference).



  const std::string&

  const Object&

  const Object*

2.7. Static

A class, method or member declared as static will be instanciated only once.

For all non static kind, the compiler inserts a pointer to the owner class (the "this" pointer), so that they can be identified in a unique way.

For all static kind, this pointer doesn't exist because there is only one instance.

2.8. Virtual

Generates non rewritable code:


Generates rewritable code with default code:

  virtual myMethod()

Don't generate any code. This code MUST be overwritten:

  virtual MyMethod() = 0

3. Converting

3.1. Integer to ASCII

A good replacement of the itoa function is the following:

  ingeter = 10;

  char buffer[50];

  sprintf(buffer, "%d", integer);

4. Dependencies between .cpp and .hpp files

4.1. Include

When a header should be included:

  - need of base class

      e.g.: boost::noncopyable needs #include<boost/utility.hpp>

  - need of a typedef

  - need of a template

      e.g.: std::string<> needs #include<string>

When a header shouldn't be included:

  - need of a pointer, reference or smart pointer of a class or struct

  - need of a enum

In these cases, the needed type must be forward declared and the include must be done in the .cpp file.

5. GNU/Linux related

5.1. Checking for Linux version

To check for the Linux version (kernel) the following code can be used:




6. Operator

6.1. Overloading

Replace the default operator with a self defined

  int operator+(int a, int b)


    return a * b;


  a = 3;

  b = 4;

  cout << 3 + 4

The output is:


7. Plain Pointer

7.1. Instanciating a plain pointer

Plain pointer should not use constructors:

  MyStruct* myPtr = new MyStruct; // right

  MyStruct* myPtr(new MyStruct);  // wrong

Instead, smart pointers should use them:

  boost::shared_ptr<MyStruct> pTemp(new MyStruct); // right

8. Powerset

8.1. Using powerset

Consult the help for std::bitset.

9. Smart Pointer

9.1. Resetting a smart pointer

  boost:shared_ptr<MyClass> myPtr(new MyClass);


9.2. Setting a smart pointer

During the instance:

  boost::shared_ptr<MyClass> pSmartMyClass(new MyClass);


  boost::shared_ptr<MyClass> pSmartMyClass;

  MyClass* pMyClass = new MyClass;


9.3. Returning a smart pointer

  bool myFunction(boost::shared_ptr<MyObject> pMyObject)


    MyObject* pTemp(new MyObject);



  boost::shared_ptr<MyObject> pMyObject(new MyObject);


9.4. Returning more smart pointers

Possibility 1 (esiest):

  void method1(

    boost::shared_ptr<Class1>& p1,

    boost::shared_ptr<Class2>& p2




    p1.reset(new MyClass1); // works sure

    // p1 = boost::shared_ptr<Sub1>(new MyClass1); // should work

    p2.reset(new MyClass2);



  boost::shared_ptr<Class1> p1((Class1*)0);

  boost::shared_ptr<Class2> p2((Class2*)0);

  method1(v1, v2);

Possibility 2:

  std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<Class1>, boost::shared_ptr<Class2> > method2()



    return std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<Class1>, boost::shared_ptr<Class2> >(new Sub1, new Sub2);


9.5. Using smart pointers with plain pointers

Plain pointer to smart pointer:

  MyClass* pMyClass = new MyClass;

  boost::shared_ptr<MyClass> pSmartMyClass;


or simply

  pSmartMyClass.reset(new MyClass);

Smart pointer to plain pointer:

  boost::shared_ptr<MyClass> pSmartMyClass(new MyClass);

  MyClass* pMyClass = 0;

  pMyClass = pSmartMyClass.get();

Never use get() and reset() methods when both are smart pointers.

  boost::shared_ptr<MyClass> pSmartMyClass1;

  boost::shared_ptr<MyClass> pSmartMyClass2;

  pSmartMyClass1 = pSmartMyClass2;             // right

  pSmartMyClass1.reset(pSmartMyClass2);        // wrong

  pSmartMyClass1.reset(pSmartMyClass2.get());  // wrong

  pSmartMyClass1 = pSmartMyClass2.get();       // wrong

10. Statements

10.1. If ... then ... else

Alternatively to the classical syntax, it's possible to use the following instead:

  (condition) ? (cout << "true") : ("cout << "false")

This is normally used for short commands and is normally placed on a single line.

10.2. Switch statement



    case 1:


      return true;



    case 2:


      return true;





      return false;




11. String

11.1. Copying array of char to std::string

  char myArray[] "Hello";

  unsigned int myArrayLenght = 4;

  std::string myString;

  myString.assign(myArray, myArray + myArrayLenght);

11.2. Declaring a string and initializing it with more char[]

  #define "One";

  #define "Two";

  std::string myString = "One" "Two";

12. Template

12.1. Usage

A template provides the capability to define classes and methods without specifying the type of input/output.

Here an example:

This should be placed in the .cpp file:

  template <typename MyType>

    MyMethod(MyType myParameter)


      // make something with myParameter


This should be placed in the .hpp file:

  template<typename MyType>

    clss Class



        void myMethod(MyType);


And here is an example about how to use it:

  Class<in> intClass;

  Class<string> stringClass;



13. Tricks

13.1. Copying a structure

If the structure doesn't contain pointers or references, it's possible to copy  it with the operator =.

  typedef struct MyStruct


    int foo;

    char bar;



  MyStruct a, b;

  a.foo = 1;

  a.bar = 2;

  b = a;

In this case, the operator= is called for each member and struct a is copied one byte after the other to struct b.


  MyStruct* pA, pB;

  pA = pB;

In this case, only the pointers copied!

Danger: if the structure contains pointers or references, only the pointers will be copied and not the content where they point to.

Therefore, in this case, one solution is to use memcpy:

  typedef struct MyStruct


    int length;

    char* value;



  MyStruct a, b;

  char string[] = "Emi";

  a.length = strlen(string);

  a.value = new char[strlen(string)];

  a.value = string;

  b.length = a.length;

  b.value = new char[b.length];

  memcpy(b.value, a.value, a.length);

On other solution is to use std::copy:

  std::copy(a.value, a.value + a.length, b.value);

Note: std::string needs the following line


13.2. Initializing a structure

This will initialize the structure with zeros:

  memset(&myStruct, 0, sizeof(myStruct);

13.3. Setting, resetting and checking bit


  FLAG = 0x0100

  int bitmask = 0;

Set bit:

  bitmask |= FLAG;

Reset bit:

  bitmask &= ~FLAG;

Check bit:

  if((bitmask & FLAG) == FLAG)


    print "Bit is set\n";




    print "Bit is not set\n";


14. Vector

14.1. Printing a vector

  for(size_t i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++)


    std::cout << vector[i] << std::endl;


14.2. Copying a vector

  MyClass objectA, objectB;

  std::vector<MyClass> v1, v2;



  v1.insert(v1, v1.end(), v2.begin(), b2.end());

14.3. Shifting a vector

To shift left:

  std::vector<char>::iterator b = input.begin();

  std::advance(b, shiftNbytes);

  input.erase(input.begin(), b);







Emidio Planamente

Last modified on 2024-08-02