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Emi's rescue CD

1. Introduction

2. Getting it

3. How to use it

4. About

1. Introduction

1.1. What is it?

This is a rescue CD based on Debian GNU/Linux with:

- LVM2 support

- RAID support

- dm-crypt support

More in detail, it is a modified version of Timo's rescue CD version 0.9.12r2 (see http://rescuecd.sourceforge.net/).

It does not have any useless Xwindow, but only what is strictly necessary to restore a broken system.

1.2. Why this CD?

Some time ago, I realized a server with the OS on LVM2 on RAID1 (see http://emidio.planamente.ch/pages/linux_howto_root_lvm_raid.php).

Due its particular configuration, if the server does not boot anymore, there is not a simple and fast way to restore it.

The most rescue CDs or live CDs does not have all what I needed. Furthermore, I was not interessted in an Xwindow, because it only needs more time to bring up the live CD.

After long researchs, I have found the Timo's rescue CD. It is a great tool for creating a rescue CD by your self. It is also possible, in a very easy way, to add/remove packages, upgrade the system and install your own kernel.

I have given it a try and ... here the result.

2. Getting it

2.1. Downloading ISO image

Due the size of the ISO image (~250MB), consider first to create an ISO image your self, following the instructions on the next chapter.

If you want to download the already build ISO image, here the link:


Logically, call

  tar xjf emirescuecd.iso.tar.bz2

to extract it.

2.2. Creating it your self

You can easily create an ISO image of the Emi's rescue CD starting with the sources of the Timo's rescue CD.

Download the official Timo's sources:


Download my script and my 2.6.12 kernel:


Ensure you to have all in the same directory, extract the tools

  tar xzf emirescuecd-tools.tar.gz

and call as root:


Then, just follow the instructions.

3. How to use it

3.1. Burning CD

Burn the ISO image


on a CD by calling

  cdrecord -v dev=0,2,0 speed=10 gracetime=2 driveropts=burnfree -data emirescue.iso

or use your favorite tool.

3.2. Booting

Just boot the CD and select menu 1.

3.3. Logging in

Use the following account:

  user: root

  password: rescue

3.4. Selecting keyboard

Select the desired keyboard by calling:


3.5. Mounting SYSFS

If a sysfs is not mounted, LVM will crash with a segmentation fault instead of giving an intelligent error.

Therefore, call

  mkdir /mnt/sys

  mount -t sysfs none /sys

3.6. Starting RAID

Load required modules:

  modprobe md raid1

Copy configuration file:

  cp mdadm.conf /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

Start RAID:

  /etc/init.d/mdadm start

Verify if really started:

  cat /proc/mdstat

3.7. Decrypting crypted device

This was not scheduled for my Debian system, but it could anyway be useful.

Just call

  cryptsetup create crypted /dev/hdax

replacing /dev/hdax with your partition.

3.8. Activating LVM partitions

Just call


  vgchange -a y

4. About

4.1. Author

Emidio Planamente <eplanamente@gmx.ch>

4.2. Feedback

Please let me know if you have found this CD helpful.

Any other feedback is also welcome.

4.3. History

Version 1

  First public release

Version 1.1

  Added "How to use it"

Emidio Planamente

Last modified on 2024-08-02