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USB micro howto

1. Automatically mounting USB devices

2. Manually mounting USB devices

1. Automatically mounting USB devices

1.1. Precondition

The device cannot be listed in /etc/fstab.

This desription works only with Gnome.

1.2. Installation

The following packages are required:

  apt-get install pmount hal gnome-volume-manager hal-device-manager

In order to access the plugged devices, the user has to be added in group plugdev:

  adduser yourUser plugdev

Now logout and re login to update the user groups.

1.3. Configuration

From Gnome bar, select:


    Desktop Preferences

      Removable Drives and Media

or, from a shell, simply type


Set the following items:

  Mount removable drives when hot-plugged

  Mount removable media when inserted

  Browse removable media when inserted

1.4. Try it

That's all. Now just plug a USB device. After a short time, an icon will appear on the desktop.

If more than one device are plugged in, more icons will appear.

1.5. Related documents

This chapter has been based on http://www.linuxtrent.it/documentazione/wikilinux/DispositiviRimovibiliSuDebian.

2. Manually mounting USB devices

2.1. Driver

USB devices (memory sticks, external USB harddisc, ...) are supported by the usb-storage driver.

If you install hotplug

  apt-get install hotplug

it will be automatically loaded when necessary.

If you prefere doing it manually, just call:

  modprobe usb-storage

2.2. Updating /etc/fstab

Add the following line in your /etc/fstab

  /dev/sda1 /media/usb noauto,user,sync

Replace sda1 with the correct one if you have SCSI devices. Take a look at

  tail /var/log/messages

to find it out.

2.3. Creating mount point

  mkdir /media/usb

2.4. Try it

Now, just plug your memory stick and type as ordinary user (not root)

  mount /media/usb

as a ordinary user (no root).

The memory stick will be mounted to /media/usb and probably an icon will appear on the desktop.

Emidio Planamente

Last modified on 2024-08-02