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SSH micro howto

1. Login without password

2. Related documents

3. About

1. Login without password

1.1. Introduction

This procedure works also for ordinary user (not root).

Once done, you can remote login without typing the password.

The description refers to the following case:

  Host A (local host)

  Host B (remote host, or better where do you want to log in without password)

1.2. Generating keys

On host A, generate new private and public keys:

  ssh-keygen -t rsa

Leave the passphrase empty.

This will generate:



1.3. Transfering public key to host B

Copy the public key to the remote host:

  scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub yourRemoteHost:/tmp

1.4. Adding public key to authorized keys

Login on the remote host:

  ssh remoteHost -l yourUser

Add the host A public key to the host B authorized keys list:

  cat /tmp/id.rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

1.5. Try it

Now, you should be able to login from host A to host B without specifying any password. Logically, this is valid only for the users which have applied this procedure.

2. Related documents

2.1. Debian way

Taken from http://www.debian.org/devel/passwordlessssh.

3. About

3.1. Author

Emidio Planamente <eplanamente@gmx.ch>

3.2. History

Version 1

  First public release

Version 1.1

  Some more detail about local and remote host

Version 1.2

  Correction in "Transfering public key to host B"

Emidio Planamente

Last modified on 2024-08-02