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Development howto

1. Introduction

2. Kdevelop and QtDesigner

3. Quanta

4. About

1. Introduction

This howto is based on GNU/Linux Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) but can probably be applicated to many other GNU/Linux distributions.

2. Kdevelop and QtDesigner

2.1. Brief description

This tool can be used to develop in:




This chapter is based on Kdevelop v3.5.0 and QtDesigner 3.3.7.

2.2. Installation

The development environment can be easily installed by calling:

  sudo apt-get update

  sudo apt-get install kdevelop kdevelop3-doc autoconf automake g++ libqt3-headers libqt3-mt-dev kdelibs4-dev

2.3. Creating a GUI in C++

2.3.1. Create a new project

  click on menu: Project -> New Project

  select: C++ / KDE / Simple KDE application

  enter application name: test

  click on next

  click on next

  click on next

  click on next

  click on finish

2.3.2. Specify executable kind

By default, the executable is built with debug information.

To build an executable without debug information:

  click on menu: Project -> Build Configuration

  select: optimized

2.3.3. Build the project

  click on menu: Build -> Run automake & friends

  click on menu: Build -> Run configure

  click on menu: Build -> Build Project (or press F8)

  click on menu: Build -> Execute Program (or press SHIFT + F9)

2.4. Replacing main window with custom dialog

2.4.1. Name convention

You have to differentiate between the form file name (the .ui file) and the class name.

In our example, the form file name is


and the class name is


If you accidentally use the same name (in this case mytest for form file name and MyTest for class name), you will get errors like these:

  test/src/mytest.h:27: error: expected class-name before "{" token

  test/src/mytest.h:28: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of "Q_OBJECT" with no type

  test/src/mytest.h:30: error: expected ";" before "public"

  test/src/mytest.h:35: error: expected `:' before "slots"

  test/src/mytest.h:38: error: expected primary-expression before "protected"

  test/src/mytest.h:38: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of "slots" with no type

  test/src/mytest.h:38: error: expected ";" before "protected"

  test/src/main.cpp: In function "int main(int, char**)":

  test/src/main.cpp:50: error: no matching function for call to "KApplication::setMainWidget(MyTest*&)"

  /usr/share/qt3/include/qapplication.h:122: note: candidates are: virtual void QApplication::setMainWidget(QWidget*)

  test/src/main.cpp:51: error: "class MyTest" has no member named "show"

  make[2]: *** [main.o] Error 1

  generating mytest.moc (moc)

  moc: mytest.h: No such file

  make[2]: *** [mytest.moc] Error 1

  make[2]: Target `all' not remade because of errors.

  make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

  make: *** [all] Error 2

  *** Exited with status: 2 ***

2.4.2. Remove main window

On the Automake Manager (right side of the IDE) expand:

  test (Program in bin)

to see all the source files composing the project. Then:

  right click on test.cpp file

  select: Remove

  select: Also remote it from disk

On the Automake Manager (right side of the IDE) expand:

  (Header in noinst)

to see all the header files composing the project. Then:

  right click on test.h file

  select: Remove

  select: Also remote it from disk

2.4.3. Create custom dialog

  click on menu: File -> New

  enter file name: mytestdlg

  file kind: replace "Blank file" with "Qt3 Dialog (.ui)"

  click on OK

  click on OK

Be very carefull about the file name!

2.4.4. Generate code for the custom dialog

A dummy code can be easily created by the subclassing wizard:

  right click on the mytestdlg.ui file

  select: Subclassing Wizard...

  enter Class name: MyTest

  select all the methods

  select: Reformat source

  click on OK

  click on OK

2.4.5. Change window instantiation

The file main.cpp needs to be modified in order to instantiate the custom dialog instead of the "dummy" main window:

Include the correct header file:

  replace line: #include "test.h"

  with line   : #include "mytest.h"

Use dialog pointer instead of main window pointer in the main() method:

  replace: test *mainWin = 0;

  with   : MyTest* mainWin = 0;

Remove code dedicated to main window behaviour in the main() method:

  remove the "if(){...}else{...}" code

and replace it with:

  mainWin = new MyTest();



2.4.6. Rebuild the project

  click on menu: Build -> Run automake & friends

  click on menu: Build -> Run configure

  click on menu: Build -> Build Project (or press F8)

  click on menu: Build -> Execute Program (or press SHIFT + F9)

2.5. References


3. Quanta

3.1. Quanta

  sudo apt-get install quanta

4. About

4.1. Author

Emidio Planamente <eplanamente@gmx.ch>

4.2. History

Version 1

  First public release

Emidio Planamente

Last modified on 2024-08-02